About Works Books Studio 454
Persuade everyone to see all the pictures that make you feel joyful
Persuade everyone to see all the pictures that make you feel joyful
Using a vintage collection of Western nudes of mysterious origin – all acquired from an antique dealer in Bangkok – Tiane Doan na Champassak challenges the limits of censorship by covering his anachronistic muses with minimal brushstrokes. His pictorial gesture is both ironic and self-ironic, condensing a long history of censorship to an innocuous aesthetic sign as cheerful as the untranslatable, yet inviting, Thai title written on the original set of printouts: Persuade everyone to see all the pictures that make you feel joyful.

Etching ink applied on 45 archival inkjet prints
Japanese Awagami paper
Japanese stab binding and plexiglass backing board covered in wood by Laurel Parker Book
Unique copy
41.3 x 37 x 1.5 cm
Tamarind Ghosts
Tamarind Ghosts
Back in the day, most prostitutes in Bangkok plied their trade around the Sanam Luang Park under the watchful gaze of the Royal Palace. As they waited for their customers beneath the branches of the tamarind trees, people started referring to them as Tamarind Ghosts. In this unique piece from 2021, Tiane Doan na Champassak revisits one chapter of his eponymous book by rephotographing 24 gelatin silver prints from his collection of vintage Thai erotic photographs. This fragmentary composition of archival pigment photographs encompasses not only the aethereal appeal of the tamarind ghosts but also the ghostly quality of the gelatin silver prints altered over the decades by the humid climate of Southeast Asia.

24 pinned archival pigment photographs
printed on Japanese Awagami paper
58.5 x 81.5 x 4 cm framed
Forms in Color
Forms in Color
In this project of appropriation and variation, Tiane Doan na Champassak restages an obscure treasure found in a flea market in Turin: a collection of negatives from the late 1960s belonging to an anonymous photographer who shot in black and white the colorful instructive pages – animated by feminine nudes – of a photography magazine titled Forms in Color. The peculiarity of his negatives resides not only in reproducing the highly colored images in black and white but also in their compositional rawness as they often contain details such as the angle of the table on which the magazine was shot or the fingers of the photographer while spreading the magazine for the shot. Triggered by the intertextual nature of these apparently clumsy photographs, Doan na Champassak pushes forward their intrinsic mise en abyme by enlarging the negatives in the darkroom, developing them as silver gelatin prints, and then mounting them on vivid-colored boards that recall the chromatics of the original photographs in the magazine.

Unique matted gelatin silver prints
50 x 60 cm
Décollages Féminicides Paris
Décollages Féminicides Paris
3 décollages from the streets of Paris, 2020
47 x 35 x 4 cm each
unique pieces
Taking Off
Taking Off
In 2018, Tiane Doan na Champassak published “The Veil of Maya 1”, a copious 2000-page volume, edition of 35, consisting of images of layers and layers of posters covering the streets of Kolkata. One year later, he revisited the Indian city and took off – literally – chunks of these posters. Doan na Champassak uses the techniques of décollage and détournement to transform the “flayed skin of a city” into 15 museum pieces meant to work as an installation.

15 multi-layered scraps of posters torn away from the streets of Kolkata
47.5 x 31.5 x 4 cm each, framed
The Veil of Maya 3
The Veil of Maya 3
"The Veil of Maya 3" can be easily subscribed to the tradition of the so called acheiropoieta, a Greek notion that generally defines the "icons made without hands". The mysterious images composing this series consist of found contact sheet prints from the 60s on top of which random negatives got stuck, mainly due to storage, time and humidity. This appropriated material builds up a constellation of its own: floating in their ethereal appearance, the feminine nudes decompose their transparency in sibylline conjunctions, revealing themselves as desirable "icons" miraculously conceived.

Diptychs, 45 x 45 cm each print
C-Print: Fujiflex Crystal Archive
Double Positive
Double Positive
Using a peculiar collection of negatives and contact sheet prints found in a flea market in Bangkok, Tiane Doan na Champassak reenacts the vintage charisma of 14 nude studies from the 1960s. The artist reinterprets this photographic corpus by blowing up each negative and cropping it out according to the original instructions. He then “echoes” the enlarged silver gelatin prints by clipping the corresponding vintage contact sheet on top of each photograph. In this conceptual reactivation of the studio nudes, Doan na Champassask subtly triggers the desire through his own interpretation of the Lacanian “mirror stage”: the double positives.

Unique gelatin silver prints
40 x 50 cm
Over the course of his travels for the last ten years Tiane Doan na Champassak has been collecting Thai erotic magazines dating back to the 1960s and 1970s. With representations of nudity banned at the time, the magazines’ censorship is applied with great creativity and care. For the creation of this project, Censored, the artist drew from his collection of over 4000 photographic details, exploring the themes of censorship and eroticism.
Printed on 17th and 18th century-old paper using the Fresson printing process, these unique works made between 2005 and 2009 reveal parts of the human body as abstract forms.

Direct carbon process made by Atelier Fresson
Various sizes